The Wild Robot

the wild robot hiding behind some trees

I’ve been waiting since Inside Out 2 to take the kiddos back to the movie theater and honestly not much has been worth my money, time, and patience. I was excited to see The Wild Robot preview months ago so when I noticed it was coming to our theater I made sure to add it to the calendar. Popcorn, candy, drinks, and food acquired, the littles and I settled into our seats to watch what turned out to be an absolutely wonderful story.

The Plot

The Wild Robot follows the story of a robot that washes up on an island with no human inhabitants.  The robot wanders around the island trying to find a problem to solve, a task to do. She ends up taking care of a little gosling and the story follows her trying to get it to maturity and off on it’s first migration.

The wild robot looking at a little gosling in her palm

Spoilers below!

Throughout the movie, Roz (the robot) takes care of her little gosling that she names Brightbill with the unlikely help of a fox named Fink. As she learns how to care for him she has to constantly re-write her programming to achieve results. At the beginning of her journey Roz has very strict programming that tells her she is supposed to solve a problem and then move on to the next task. But during her months caring for Brightbill all the rewriting of her programming leads her to struggle when the task is complete.

She decides to remain on the island and ends up being the savior to all the animals that thought of her as a monster by bringing them to her shelter during a very harsh storm. Eventually she gets to reunite with Brightbill and the other geese return but then learns that her presence puts the island in danger. She makes the choice to return to where she was supposed to be but retains the part of herself that changed and became capable of emotion.

I'm not crying, you're crying

Yes, okay fine. I cried a couple times during the movie. Especially as a mother The Wild Robot will tug at your heart strings. But I’ll continue to blame Smallz for waterboarding my voodoo doll while I was in the theater cause pffft obviously I don’t have feelings.

You should definitely go see it on the big screen if you can, just for the experience. Who knows when it’ll arrive on Disney!

Spirit City: LoFi Sessions

What if you made a productivity app for gamers that is a total vibe? You’d end up with this absolute gem of a game called Spirit City: LoFi Sessions. This game has a demo available on Steam’s Next Fest which gives developers a chance to show off their upcoming games. The game is brought to us by a new studio called Mooncube Games, located in Canada. Let’s take a look at the game!

An Absolute Vibe

As one might imagine, this game – based on the LoFi girl aesthetic – is an absolute vibe. The whole point of the game is to be a chill, relaxing environment to get things done.

You have control over the time of day (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night) and where you’re sitting in the room (Window, Desk, Bed, Fireplace).

You also have sliders to control what additional environmental sounds are there, including Rain, Fire, Vinyl Record, and Birds Chirping. As you can see from the slider below, there are planned additional sounds for launch.

Personalize your avatar

Naturally, we gamers will want to insert our own flair into the game and what better way to do that than create a version of ourselves (or maybe some ficticious body double to help our lil ADHD brains to get stuff done).Â

Even though this is just a demo, there’s already a big collection of clothing options and some ways to customize your character’s skin, hair, and face. I can only imagine that more options will be added over time that will continually keep the game fresh. I know myself and many others will definitely be changing our hair and outfits pretty much daily.Â

If the devs are reading – I want leggings, thigh high socks, and fluffy sweaters/cardigans! With that request, an option to toggle socks under or over pants would be cool too.Â

Spirit pets

In addition to customizing your character, there’s also some little buddies to choose from. The companions are called Spirits and you get a little Spiritdex to collect and catalog them.Â

The demo gives us five lil cuties to unlock and additional spirits are shown in the trailer and promotional images. Each slot in the Spiritdex gives a clue that will help you find the spirit. If you set up the environment correctly and are patient, the Spirit will show itself and you’ll be able to collect it in your book.

Remember to be patient, as it takes some time for each to show up. If you still haven’t seen them after a while, tweak how things are set up – where you’re sitting, time of day, sound effects etc. For me it didn’t take very long, maybe 5 minutes for each.Â

Streamers Rejoice!

For all our friends who like to go live, I have some good news. All the LoFi beats included in the game are able to be streamed worry free.Â

Personally I will be using Spirit City for streams across Tiktok, Twitch, and YouTube when I’m working but also want to chill and chat. In the future I’ll be using it for writing sprints and recording sessions using the timer to keep me on track and avoid burning out.

Features Galore

On top of all the great core features I’ve already mentioned, there are additional features like the To-Do list, Timer, and what looks to be a habit tracker and journal in the full release.

As I mentioned above, I’ll be using this game to keep me in the zone with my tasks. The To-Do list and Timer are going to be used daily to do things like writing/recording sprints – allowing me to do short tasks like loading the dishwasher, cleaning a surface, or swapping laundry in between work. I’m really eager to see how I fare with this considering my side questing has gotten absolutely terrible the last few months. So expect me to report back at release!

Key Features

  • Listen along to a carefully curated catalog of chill lofi beats, with a selection of themed playlists for every mood and occasion;
  • Stay organized using integrated productivity tools, including a to-do list, pomodoro timer, habit tracker and journal;
  • Create your own avatar. Choose from a variety of hairstyles, outfits, color options, and more to bring to life your own unique Spirit City persona;
  • Spruce up your room to design your ideal cozy retreat, swapping between different wallpapers, flooring, furniture and wall decor;
  • Immerse yourself with interactive soundscapes that change the world in real-time to suit your preferred vibe, from the pitter-patter of rain on a window to the crackling of a toasty fireplace;
  • Decipher hints to lure curious spirits out into the open with the right combination of game settings, unlocking them as your future companions;
  • Earn XP and level up over time, and by using the game’s features to their fullest. Unlock new cosmetics and customization choices as you progress;
  • Stream your sessions worry-free thanks to the game’s fully stream-friendly music library – perfect for co-working streams or as a background on Twitch or Youtube;
  • Expand your song catalog with the built-in web player, providing even more options for the musically adventurous;
  • Enhance your everyday activities. Spirit City: Lofi Sessions offers a pleasing and distraction-free space for you to better enjoy and concentrate on your work and hobbies.

The studio

I just wanted to take the time to share this great blurb from the Mooncube site about their team and vision. Again, it’s a vibe.

At Mooncube Games we want to create games that promote positive and uplifting experiences that align with our core values of kindness, empathy and inclusivity. We hope to do this by creating rich, unique worlds, with a diverse cast of memorable characters.


We believe that games have the power to be evoke emotions, inspire change, and be a safe space for players. These values fuel every decision we make as a company.

I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on them for all future releases. We love a company we can get behind 💛


Check out the trailer

Download the demo!

Sold on how great this game is? Then check out the Demo and watch it become something that just lives on your screen like it’s become for me.Â

And don’t forget to add it to your Wishlist for when it releases in full on April 8, 2024!

Osaka, Japan Trip

My Christmas gift to my family was to plan a trip to Osaka and it was definitely a once in a lifetime kind of vacation that will be talked about forever I’m sure. Highlights of the trip were: Super Nintendo World, my son’s first real roller coaster experience, and getting to see a whale shark up close! Stay tuned for photos and more detail.

The drive

Unlike most people, who would take the shinkansen (bullet train), we drove from where we live west of Hiroshima over to Osaka. The tolls were cheaper than shin tickets and the drive isn’t too long – about 5 to 6 hours. The toll roads here in Japan are infinitely better than the highways back in the states, you get what you pay for here – nice smooth sailing between major cities. And all along the route there are nice rest stops. I mean that. They are bougie in comparison.Â

Often times, traveling in the states you pop off the highway into little towns where there’s a gas station and maybe some fast food. Or you stop at a rest stop that’s just toilets and vending machines, maybe a little “welcome center” if you’re lucky. But in JP you have a similar rest stop situation – right alongside the tollway – but every one will have a little convenience store, well kept bathrooms, and nice nature scenery (usually). And that’s the minimum.

Every few stops along your route you’ll have the big stops. These will still have a convenience store, with tons of gifts to take home, but it will also have various little restaurants and some food stalls that sell all the usual – ramen, yakitori, takoyaki, etc. The bathrooms will still be as sparkling clean as all the others but the bigger stops will also have nice showers to use. And they’ll have a full service gas station – complete with attendants who will do the refueling for you.Â

On both the drive to and from, we stopped a few times at rest stops to stretch, pee, and grab drinks and snacks. It definitely makes driving anywhere in this country an enjoyable experience to have these very convenient, clean, and safe stops along the way.Â

Our Stay

I make it a habit to not stay in hotels here unless there’s a good reason – like the hotel has something special to offer. Instead we stay in airbnb type situations (though I use Agoda usually). When I went to Beppu earlier last year, I made sure to stay in one of the places with an onsen. I ended up renting a house with it’s own indoor/outdoor onsen tub – complete with onsen water. When we stay overnight in Hiroshima, we usually stay in an apartment. But for the trip to Osaka, we stayed in one of the industrial neighborhoods in a pretty standard Japanese house.Â

Our house consisted of the usual entry way – where you take off your shoes and step into the house proper, a small kitchen/dining room, a small living room with TV, and a small bathroom on the bottom floor. Upstairs was a split room with futons for sleeping.Â

Now, usually I love futons and sleeping right on the tatami mats. But man oh man, these futons were in desperate need of replacing. I ended up taking an extra comforter and stuffing it with a bunch of small pillows to make some extra cushion for my body. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much the first night there, but oh well. It is what it is.Â

Let’s take a second to talk about those stairs…Â

As you can see in the photo here, they are very steep. They’re like a ladder and a proper staircase had a baby. And these are pretty standard in most Japanese houses because space is limited.Â

Now listen, I’m a short lady and I don’t have big feet – but even my kiddos had an interesting time navigating the staircase safely. I suppose you get used to it after a while and it just becomes second nature, but all I could think going up and down it was, “please don’t fall, I don’t need to take myself or anyone else to the ER.”Â

Also, god carrying anything big up or down this would suuuuuuck.Â

Now, if you’ve ever heard me talk about Japanese houses, you’ll know by now that my favorite thing is the bathroom. What you see here is a pretty standard Japanese shower room. Right outside that door, to the left, is a big sink unit plus a washing machine. To the left of that is another seperate tiny room for the toilet.Â

“What’s so cool about that?” you might ask. When the whole room is a shower, it’s usually bigger. In addition, the entire room gets warm. You fill the tub, which heats up the room in the process. Then the fully enclosed shower is nice and toasty. You can sit on the stool and shower, getting yourself clean and conserving water, before soaking in the bath.

And yes. I mean soaking. This tub in the picture made me feel like a lil kid in a deep kitchen sink, but when I sat down in it the water was all the way up to my neck! Try doing that with a standard American tub, ain’t gonne happen bub! And because you’re clean when you enter the tub, you can simply cover it to keep it hot for the next family member to us (further conserving water and energy). Just don’t pee in the tub alright? Kids go last for this reason ha!

Whale shark!!

Our first day in Osaka was spent checking out the amazing aquarium. The Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan was the largest aquarium in the world when it opened, but has since been shown up by a few others – like the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium.Â

The main attraction is the Pacific Ocean tank which holds 5,400 cubic metres (190,699 cu ft) of water. Inside are several varieties of fish, scalloped hammer head sharks (another favorite of mine), HUGE stingrays, and of course not one but TWO whale sharks.Â

The aquarium is set up in such a way that you take an escalator to the top and then spiral your way back down to the main floor. The top floor has some adorable otters and a few tanks before you descend and get your first view of the main tank. As you continue spiraling down you get other exhibits around the outter edges to explore but you never lose sight of the Pacific Ocean tank.Â

In the other tanks you’ll get to see California sea lions, Largha seals, penguins, puffer fish, dolphins, puffins, and sunfish. In addition of course, to the usual aquarium fare – like octupi, shrimp, lobsters, and fish of all shapes and sizes and colors. And what would an aquarium be without a dark room full of jellyfish?

Universal Studios

And so we arrive at the crowning jewel of our trip – Universal Studios Japan. Let me just preface this with a reminder that I am an American. I’ve been to Disneyworld, Disneyland, and several Busch Gardens, Six Flags, and Sea Worlds in the states. I also know that Japan is pretty much the size of California and space is limited. So I went in with proper expectations okay?

But it feels SO SMALL! It’s a little over half a mile from one end to the other, so getting between places inside is super fast. Tickets to get into the park itself aren’t too bad, about $60 per adult on low traffic days $70 on higher traffics ones. HOWEVER, in order to enter the two special areas – Super Nintendo World and Hogwarts – you have to buy special timed-entry tickets.

These special tickets cost an additional $73 – $120 per person depending on which rides you get included in the ticket. Our ticket included express acces to the Yoshi ride in Super Nintendo World, the Spiderman 4D ride, Minions Mayhem, and JAWS. We didn’t end up doing the JAWS ride cause nobody in our family really cared about that, but we enjoyed being able to skip the lines and get faster access to the other three rides.Â

Super Nintendo World

Since our tickets included a fast pass to ride Yoshi’s Adventure, we were able to enter Super Nintendo World at a designated time. If you don’t have a ticket, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be allowed into the area – even just to walk around and look at it. The only exception is if the park is super empty.Â

The reason for this is, you guessed it, it’s small. And it gets crowded very quickly. I believe our time for the area was 9:20am. By the time we got into the area and through our few minutes on the adorable Yoshi’s Adventure – where you ride a Yoshi and hit buttons corresponding the the Yoshi Eggs you find along the way – the other two attractions in the area were packed And by packed, I mean it was already a 120 minute wait to get on the Mario Kart ride.Â

TWO HOURS?! Yep. Two hours. As you might guess, with me having two children under 10, we most definitely did not wait in a two hour line to experience whatever the Mario Kart ride is.Â

The other attraction in this area is a meet and greet with various characters. They have multiple photo stations, one with Peach, one with Luigi and Mario, and right outside the entrance are a seasonal themed photo station (Luigi and Mario Snowmen when we went), and a station where you can look like you’re popping up from the tunnel.Â

Naturally these all have actual photographers stationed there to take good photos of you and your family. And then you can order the photo printed right there with a cute paper frame and usually a QR code for downloading the digital image (we did this at the aquarium to get a good momento for our family trip).Â

The rest of the park

Before we were able to even go see Nintendo World, my husband and son went on the Flying Dinosaur in the Jurassic Park section. Not gonna lie, I’m kind of jealous that I didn’t get to go. The line for this particular ride is pretty fast because of how fast the ride goes. By the time they’re done loading everyone up they’re ready to launch and the other ‘car’ gets to pull in and load in a new collection of riders.Â

The ride itself is unlike other coasters I’ve seen. I’ve been on top track coasters, like Batman at Six Flags Arlington, but this ride goes the extra step by pulling the riders up so they are parrallel to the track. The front of the car is a pterydactyl, so that is what the ride simulates. My son was just barely tall enough to ride and he’s usually a bit timid but he made it through the line and into the seat. When the ride pulled him up into place the adrenaline hit and he was super excited to go.Â

Little sister and I were hanging out below to watch the roller coaster go multiple times before the boys made it on. The Jurassic Park area is what you would expect, lots of foliage to make it jungle like and signs everywhere warning of dinosaurs. There was also a cute show going on later in the day that had big dinos walking around as well as an adorable baby tricerotops animatronic.Â

It wouldn’t be a theme park in Japan without Hello Kitty! We enjoyed a giant strawberry milk churro (10/10, delicious) and some cupcake version of the vomit inducing “teacups” ride. It was lots of giggling and I managed to notÂget super nauseous.

Also in this area of the park is a bunch of Seasme Street attractions, including a fantastic indoor play area and fun dance show, a Snoopy ride we waited way too long to end up having to get out of line for (stupid body), and a very pretty carousel.

The indoor area I’m sure is a very welcome attraction in the summer and winter alike. It has a cute little boat ride for the small kiddos, plus several different play areas for children to just let loose and have some fun.Â

Considering the majority of big rides in the park end up with massive lines, most of the few roller coasters being 1-2 hour waits, this place is a great place to let the kids just have fun for a while. I can’t imagine being caught in super long lines with kids who just want to have fun – we certainly avoided it at all costs!

The other two rides we got to enjoy with our express passes were 4D attractions. The Minion Mayhem one funnels you through various staging areas where you wait in line but get to go through different theme rooms and watch videos that give you the ride’s story. You’re going to get tranformed into a minion and go through minion training. All the while you get to see the girls talk about a present they’ve got for Gru.Â

Eventually you get to the ride itself which loads you into a two row, 4 person per row, cart. The cart goes up into what is effectively a giant IMAX theater and moves around as you watch the screen. It was super cute and because it was a bit more open it was less nausea inducing.Â

The Spiderman ride however, goes on a track and has a lot of movement. Usually I’m the one with the sensitive brain-tummy combo, but it was actually my husband who got a lil nausea and headache from it. I really enjoyed the ride to be honest, there were parts in it where you had water splashed at you, fire shot off in the distance where you got a big whoosh of hot air – and of course the cart twisting and turning and shaking us all over the place had the kiddos hooting and laughing.Â

Final Verdict

All in all, it was a great experience. Yes, the park is small and there’s honestly not a TON to do, but it makes it a great one-day adventure. I hate that I couldn’t just go walk around the Harry Potter area, but I refused to pay the even higher price tag to get a timed-ticket that included that area. For our family of four we spent over 700 on tickets (about $180 per person). It was an expensive but once in a lifetime adventure.Â

The park was beautifully decorated for the holiday season, the food was decent, treats were great, stores were full of fun things to keep forever, and all in all the day was pretty stress free and lots of fun. It was worth every penny.

Places I'd Go if I went back

If I were to go back to Osaka there’s a couple places I wish we had time to go to. One was a park there that is all lit up during the holidays, it has great food and is just a really nice night out to see lots of lights. Another is the Tennoji Zoo. Pretty self explanatory, nice walking and lots of cool animals to look at.Â

The unique place I wanted to go but didn’t have time for is the Kansai Cycle Sports Center. This place is a big park with all sorts of different cycles. It’s got a big path to ride normal bicycles on, but then also has all sorts of funky bikes like quadcycles, a cycle ‘roller coaster’ that you pedal on the track for, little sled bikes, a train you pedal, and most notably these little parachute rides you pedal your way up and then parachute back down to earth in.Â

Maybe we’ll make a last minute trip there one day before we leave Japan. Who knows.


Thaumaturge is a story-driven RPG from Fool’s Theory and the ever awesome 11 bit studios, the publisher responsible for gems like Frost Punk and This War of Mine (two of my favorite games ever). This time they’re taking on a game with morally questionable choice making set in a supernatural 1905 Warsaw. The game features turn based combat, investigation mechanics, and interesting character development.


Ready to control your demons?

In this game you will play as Wiktor Szulski, who has been dragged back to Warsaw to see his family after 15 years away. Wiktor has the gift of thaumaturgy, like his father, which allows him to see Salutors and their effect on the real world.Â

As only a thaumaturge can tame [salutors], utilizing their mystical abilities to discover secrets hidden within the human soul and speak to the Darkness, no one understands quite like Wiktor how everyone suffers their own demons.

Salutors can be all sorts of supernatural creatures, each with different abilities and effects on the world around them. As a Thaumaturge, the player can tame a Salutor and use them to manipulate people, investigate the world around them, or use them in combat.Â

Each Salutor is associated with one of four dimensions: Word, Heart, Deed, and Mind. You will use Salutors of a dimension to uncover different types of information. Mind will reveal people’s thoughts, memories and ideas. Word represents things spoken near an object. Heart will bring forth someone’s emotions or desires and Deed will show actions.

You will use your Salutors in combat against other Thaumaturge’s as well. I’m interested to see how this interaction will play out. There will undoubtedly be guides coming out at launch to show which Salutors to use against which.Â

check out the gameplay trailer

When & Where Can I play?

I am eager to play through and discover all the different Salutors. The art for each of them bring flair from their various regional origins, and you all know I’m a sucker for good art. So far the developer has discussed designs from Slavic, Jewish, Bavarian, and Arabian mythos.Â

Thaumaturge will be released on February 20, 2024. You can grab it on Steam, Epic, Playstation, and Xbox


Welcome to 2024

With 2023 officially behind us, we’re ready to launch into 2024 by bringing SweatyCasual to the masses. Our content will mostly revolve around gaming and tech but there will also be travel, home, and family topics sprinkled in. At launch we have three writers who will be regularly contributing to the site. Let’s get to know them!



Most people call her Smallz. Mom of 2 boys. She loves survival and farming games. She has a passion for building in games. She loves spending time outdoors with her kids and is pretty much down for anything fun.



Grumorne is an audiobook Narrator, milspouse, and mom of two. She’s usually playing FPS or Survival Sim style games but is a total sucker for games with unique art styles. She loves epic and YA fantasy books, movies of all sorts, and traveling to new places.

Pointe And Click


Semi-retired dance instructor, wife, boy mom, dog mom. You can find PointeAndClick playing co-op survival games, first person shooters or anything graphically artistic in design. If she‘s not gaming, she‘s crafting, cooking, or trying to pretend she‘s not pushing 40 in a ballet class.

As we venture into 2024 we will be adding to the writing team and posting guest articles. We’re looking forward to sharing our adventures this year and hope you’ll all join us in the comments and share your own stories and game insights!

Here’s to a great 2024!